
Online Store

Project Describtion

Final project for Intro to Database. Took four weeks to complete. Create an online store for both customer and employee use. Customer could look up products, manage their cart, check out, and view orders. New users can either view as guest or create a profile. Employees can change product quantity, price, and view product history showing price and quatity changes over time.

Steps of Project

UML diagram


Two part final assignment for Data Structures using Java. Took 2 weeks to complete. Create a graph data structure to support adding, removing, and listing edges and vertices for a directed or undirected graph. Using the graph data structure, implement breath first search, depth first search, and Dijkstra's algorithm for finding shortest path.

ASCII Dungeon Crawler

One week programming assignment in C for Programming at the Hardware Software Interface. Create dungeon crawler game by reading in levels from files. player must be able to pick up items, use items, and move around map.

Tile Name Display
Player @
empty (1 space)
Wall #
Secret passage #
Gem *
Key +
Open door -
Locked door =

Unigram language model

One week programming assignment in C for Programming at the Hardware Software Interface. Read in a file containing sentences saving each word in a hashtable. Final calculate probability of each word in the file.

10,000 Dice Game

Created the 10,000 dice game where two players take turns rolling dice to get to 10,000 points. Programed in Java on my own free time.

This Website(in progress)

Create a website for easy access to important information about what I have learned and made. Made using HTML and CSS from scratch.